Member Status / Security Levels / Opt In Levels
Not limited to 'email lists' members can be allowed certain (limited) site privileges. There are many member security levels. These affect access to password protected pages and also to emailing lists. They are explained in more detail here

Add a New Member
How to add a new member either singularly or by bulk.

Registration Forms and Password Reminders
Learn about member registration forms, passwords, and member lifecycles.

Auto Membership Registration, Expiry, Renewal and Payments
You can use our shopping cart to sell term memberships, with automated password delivery for 24/7 real time access, and our bulk emailer to communicate renewals.

Import Members
There are multiple options to import members data

Export Members
You can download your members data and members reports in the CMS.

Giving logged in members VIP Pricing
You can assign members to get VIP / Price Group A pricing automatically on login.

Allow Administrators / Sales Reps access to their approved members
By assigning a member record to a certain administrator and configuring the additional administrators access settings, you can set it up so that each admin can only access their assigned members records.

Sales Reps order notifications
Sales agents associated with a customer will get a CC of the order email irrespective of POS / customer portal.

Logging in as a Member
To see what a customer sees when logging into the website you can quickly log in as the member.

Deleting Members
How to delete members from CMS

How to Give Members Different Authorisations
How to assign members to groups, give different authorisation levels, or assign different price groups.

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