Trade Pricing / Member Pricing
Here is how to setup trade/wholesale/retail pricing options for your authorised customers

Multiple Currencies
Adding different currencies to your store. Multi Currency is now a plugin.

GST/ Tax Based Pricing
Setting up pricing to be Inclusive or Exclusive of GST, and setting how you would like to enter your pricing in the CMS.

Bulk Product Pricing Updates
Changes to product pricing for advanced users

Vouchers and Discounts
Follow the link to learn more about vouchers and discounts

Adding a currency converter
How to add a currency converter link to your shopping cart

Supplier Pricing / Average Cost Pricing
Learn how our system calculates and deals with the 2 cost prices, used for determining cost of goods sold, stock balance, and profit margins.

Show Price Range where Available
If your products have options/variations with pricing, you can now show the priccerange in your product lists and product detail page

GST / VAT calculation
Learn more about how we calculate GST, as different approaches can be taken by different systems

Cascade Option Pricing
Enabling the Cascade Option Pricing option will allow changes on the main product pricing screen to affect prices set on product variations.

Rename Price Groups A - H to a custom name for each group.
You can change the default label for each price group (A - H) from their default label.

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